Testimonials / Updates

Rob Best: (Advisory Board Member)
The House of Miracles saved my life. I spent a month in jail, a month in rehab and the next 8 months in The House of Miracles. My stay was the most transformative time of my life. They gave me the tools that I lacked to become an independent and responsible person. I desperately needed a safe and structured environment to help keep me sober and working towards independence. The staff was always caring, kind and there for me when I needed them. I highly recommend this one of a kind program to anyone seeking help.
A previous resident & success story at House of Miracles, Inc. Rob is the CEO of “The Barbell Saves Project” and was born and raised in Phoenix, Arizona. He grew up playing baseball and hanging out with his two older brothers. In his 20’s Rob became addicted to opiates and would spiral out of control for the next decade. At 31 years of age, he finally got clean and started down a path of sobriety, fitness, and healthy living. Since then, he has owned two CrossFit gyms and has helped countless people both with fitness and in recovery. Now, The Barbell Saves Project allows him to combine those two passions.
A quick message from our HOMI volunteer and Youth participant.
“Ms. Sharon” Ukaha: Rest in Power to one of the most dedicated supporters and board members of HOMI. Ashe’